Thursday, February 4, 2021

Don't Just Ponder - Move Your Feet!



Life we all know is a big challenge. But that is the most interesting part of it as well. When God created us and sent us to Mother Earth, he did that with a Vision, and you were given a Mission. Go out there and prove what Humans are! But are we actually doing it? Points to Ponder but not to sit over it and think, but to act and act Now!

For some reason we the so called "Intelligent Species Of Homo-Sapiens" have taken it too far. Or should I say taken it for granted?. Oh yes, in our rat race to be one up on the other, we have totally forgotten the very basic mission which we are put on this planet. 

This may sound a bit philosophical to many, specially those who are not used to introspecting or making a Re-Awakening within themselves and their actions. I will only highlight a few simple points that glare at you in your face and yet you don't bat an eyelid to do the least. In fact the only thing we have easily gotten into is the habit to reach out to God and say "God Help Me" as if that seems to be the only task left for him to do for you; while you lie with your arms and legs spread out lazily expecting something divine to happen. 

Sadly if though it is so right we have taken the oft quoted phrase too far as in believing and leaving it to God to the "T" so to say in thinking "Those who leave everything in God's Hand will eventually see God's hand in everything"...

Image result for don't leave everything to god 

As if to say, that was not enough, we even go on to blame those who said this by saying "See I literally cried myself out pleading to God and what has your God done for me?". 

Enough is enough lets calmly review, Introspect and act on some of the points that most of us face in our daily life. Yes God is always omnipresent and as we all know miracles can happen anytime but not when you are lazing around and expecting them to pop it at your beck and call. Here are a few simple examples to ponder over and also act.

๐Ÿ˜ŸThings are not happening the way you want it? - Yes Pray to God to Guide you๐Ÿ˜Ÿ - But first calmly introspect on the day's happenings, review what could have been done to either avoid them or even not allow them to happen. Those problems could have been an outcome or your past actions over the last few days or even a spark of an event just before. In all probability you will find there will be an answer there. ACT ON IT. Maybe you cannot reverse the action but you could make amends for it and avoid a repetition of the same event. Once you have found a solution or answer to your problem, Express your Gratitude to God for sure, but also thank yourself and feel proud that it was your ACTION that resulted in the positive outcome. 

๐Ÿ˜ต A sudden windfall of unforeseen circumstances or testing times?๐Ÿ˜ต - Oh yeah that's always a test of your character and your integrity. These are God's way of testing you. Just as in any sickness for example a simple cold, or fever, it is a reaction of the antibodies in your system that are fighting against the onslaught of the external disturbance, and when they conquer them your body comes back to normal. Life too tests you with these sudden tests, and your success in coming out of these problems lies in your pro-active preparations and readiness to be strong, change yourself to adapt to situations, think with a calm mind, take your way out of those situations and come out a winner. If you were to again just Pray to God to Help you, Oh yes God will always be there with his Grace to protect you, but YOU and only YOU will have to act and pull your way out of the situations.  

๐Ÿ˜ Everything is Fine and Lovey-Dovey with me, why should I be bothered?๐Ÿ˜ - I'm happy if that is the case, and you should be too, but is that enough for you? Just look back and think for yourself, in those good days did you ever even once express your heartfelt Gratitude to God - maybe not but if the same thing was a bad situation you would be praying and pleading before him? Please don't do this. Firstly express your Gratitude to God, then get up and reach out with that same happiness to someone who is not so lucky, try to bring a smile on their face, share your happiness with them in whatever form you can, in kind or in just being with them and see how much more happiness will arrive in your domain.  

๐Ÿ™‹ I don't give because I have much, but because I know what it is NOT to have even that much๐Ÿ™‹ - This oft heard and repeated quote is only heard, pondered, discussed but thrown out of the window by most of us. Now I know you will ask me -"So what do you expect me to do now, get up and do a Cha-Cha-Cha?". No try to read between the lines. Over the last few days I have had intense experiences which highlighted just the same point. It is very easy to GIVE something to others when you are having everything and you are Abundant. But the happiness and Peace of Mind you get when you try to share whatever you have or even give away totally something that you have, when that is all you have is an experience that is so divine and heartwarming that it has to be experienced to be believed. It will be hard for me to express it in words here but I am sure you will know what I mean or maybe even experienced it yourself. Cherish those moments, and try to do more of it. These moments and events are invaluable.

I could go on with so many scenarios, but found these the most common and others would be offshoots of these same situations. 

The last scenario is something which I have experienced and seen in many people's lives and it is a bit disturbing too. There are a lot of people who experience all or one of the above situations, but do nothing about it. Either they are too dazed to react, or they have no one to guide them apart from their frantic prayers to God, expecting something to happen. That may be a frightening situation and here is where WE ALL come in. By WE ALL I mean YOU, ME, LIKE MINDED FRIENDS AND FAMILY, WELL WISHERS. 

How often do you read a Post or message on Social media Like Facebook, or Twitter or YouTube and just impulsively put in a like or comment even without reading the whole post and just liking the Image that Expresses the Quote? I know many will not accept this fact or even that it ever happened in their life? If it indeed has never happened you are blessed, and if it has happened please don't just sit there and mull over it. MOVE YOUR FEET AND ACT

All it takes is getting up, trying to shrug off that "All's Fine with me, why should I act" attitude and reach out beyond your life, and your domain to others who would need your help. Say a Hi or Hello to someone around you. Put an arm around an Elderly person who may be yearning to have someone around them, and receive a HUG. Feed someone who may not have eaten for days, even if it is an animal who will be ever so happy to receive your love and affection. 

The world is yearning for this love and affection, and while doing this noble act you are in fact opening the doors to your own happiness, and peace. So why not share that happiness and peace with someone around you and see how the Universe will sing to your tune and shower you and all of us with Abundance! Once again I conclude my post with the same heading - 



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