Tuesday, November 20, 2018

When Small Acts of Kindness And Compassion Touch Your Heart!

When Small Acts of Kindness And Compassion Touch Your Heart!
(A True Life Incident Shared with You All)
Have you ever been touched by a small act of kindness, compassion or just simple reaction of your own personal character traits that may have occurred in your day to day life? I just had that experience today and it touched me so much, I thought of creating this little post. 

For some this may feel, a bit silly or childish or even won't be surprised with someone commenting as "Has this Guy gone nuts"?. Read on and you will understand why this small incident touched my heart so much. 

After a long stretch of work on my PC as usual, it got up to make myself a much deserved cup of hot tea. I need a lot of cups of tea a day and as usual I picked up the pot with the lid which I use for making tea, which already had some tea in it, lighted the gas, and put it on the burner. I took off the lid, and suddenly noticed a big black Ant on the top of the lid. Normally you will find these Ants immediately getting to your teapot or anything sweet, in search of sugary deposits, especially in this season. 

I am very sensitive to all insects and animals and without a thought I picked up the hot lid and hit it on the kitchen platform with a light bang to drop off the ant, which by then seemed to have got the sting of the heat. Unconsciously I shouted "Sorry, Sorry" an act that even made me shocked and in wonder, but it came out from my heart, as I felt disturbed I may have hurt the poor ant, I turned off the gas, and watched the Ant almost in tears. 
The Ant lay for a moment stunned, so I splashed a few drops of water on it , hoping to cool it off in case it had burnt itself even in that small touch of the hot pot. For a moment it stay still soaking in the water, then toppled over....
For a Moment, my heart was in my throat, choking. I sprinkled another light few drops of water on it literally uttering myself - "Get Up, Come-On, You can make it, I know you can make it, you are stronger than us Humans, I've seen it and experienced it so many times, You are an inspiration" ....I was mentally and verbally uttering to myself all the thoughts and actual experiences I have had about these amazing ants, already having written another post about them earlier.........Seconds were ticking by and I could see its feet moving which gave me a lease of hope and life, knowing it would come back....
And then to my utter happiness and relief, the ant gave itself a great heave and toppled over back on its feet, first, frisking off droplets of water on itself, then almost giving itself a "I'm Back Shuffle" and stood up on its hind feet as if to say, "Hey, Thank You, I'm Fine Pal". As if to acknowledge its movement I advanced my finger towards it, carefully so to say giving it a nudge or you could say a Hi Five and for a moment it kept its tiny two front feet against my finger as if accepting the Hi Five and then scampered off to where it was coming from. 

I have never felt so emotionally overwhelmed, and in tears than that incident which taught me so much. Above all it reiterated my faith that love and compassion is universal, you only have to feel it and it will reach any corner of the world. I will never forget this incident in my life, and that is the very reason I decided to pen this down and share it with you all. 

Remember to spread Love, Care, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Sharing all around you. The World Needs it! God Bless!

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