Sunday, February 7, 2021

Introspective Re-Awakening

 Introspective Re-Awakening


There comes a time in ones life where one moment only is required for a Transformation. This could be a transformation of self, or your life, or your work or career or a total transformation of all connected domains. These lines below which I had heard and read in a video which I saw recently really Triggered that Introspective Re-Awakening. Let me quote the same below with due credit to the source.

"The intensity with which you absorb certain things in life, the perspective with which you look at it and apply it to your life can bring about unprecedented changes. You don't need a lifetime to get transformed. One incidence here, One sentence here, One moment here, One trigger there, One incident here, One accident there, One relationship gained, One relationship lost, One success, One Failure, THAT one moment is enough for it to be a turning point in your life. You have to have, experience, see and pick up that ONE MOMENT that will trigger a turning point in your life."

If you either get that moment and fail to spot it, or spot it but fail to capitalize on it and trigger that CHANGE in you and whatever you do; then you have lost the bus so to say. Regret not later that you let go off that chance for even though it is never too late to mend, TIME which is the most invaluable element of Life itself does not wait, and in introspection YOU  and only YOU will have lost some more precious moments in your own life.

It is not necessary or rather never necessary to express or socially share that moment of Re-awakening with anyone unless and until you have practically achieved your level of satisfaction that -"Yes this is that moment I was yearning for". When you have had some experiences which you can relate and showcase to someone that will substantiate your experiences and belief, it is best to hold back your sharing the whole experience. 

There are a lot of reasons for not doing so. It's not that you don't want to share the Good that has happened to you or is still happening to you, but the human Psyche does not keep its doors open to any dramatic change or upheaval in your life. Some would envy it, some would outright deny it or some would even snigger at you which only brings about bitter experiences or even may hurt someones sentiments. 

Hence it is best to flow with the tide of your Introspective Re-Awakening, substantiate and record each days events to see and review how they have brought about a change in your life and your living as a whole, and on a more positive side, then in the second stage look at how you could share your experiences with like minded people who could benefit from those experiences.

So what exactly do I mean by Introspective Re-Awakening? Our lives in the present Jet Set world has become so hectic and run-of-the-mill like a hamster in a "Hamster Wheel". With all the worldly pleasures and materialistic gains that we all run after; we barely have time to introspect on what we are doing or what we should need to do to better our Quality of Life. The word Quality Of Life need not mean Riches, Indulgences, Opulence or plain Luxuries that we are all so much attached to and use as a mark of our "Achievements"

Peace of Mind, Compassion, Care, Giving, Love, and a sense of Togetherness and reaching out to others to help are just thrown out of the window. Some would even say "I've got all I want, why do I need to look for more", or even say "I've got enough on my hands to look what I can do for others", which really stinks. I will not derive or look at what other do or should do but quickly outline what I mean by Introspective Re-Awakening.

As I mentioned in the above paragraph wherein I highlighted the ONE MOMENT that will trigger that turning point in your life cannot be underlined as it is specific to each person, his or her life, and event in their life that take them towards this trigger point. Neither is there someone who needs to hold you by your hand and take you there to that ONE MOMENT nor, should someone point that out to you to do it.

That ONE MOMENT comes like a flash of lightening, and in all probability it happens at a time when you are at your lowest, traumatic situations, hard times, events that have pummeled you down to the ground, literally crying for someone to help or something divine to happen. At that moment when your heart reaches out to the Universe pleading it to give you the power and the peace that you are searching for DIVINE SOLACE - it just happens. You could meet someone who you know or even may not know or just plain accidentally hit upon some information or news that triggers that ONE MOMENT

I will be trying to create a totally new Blog or series of Posts on Introspective Re-Awakening but for now suffice to say that is leads to a series of events, actions, interactions, efforts on your behalf and others to bring about that change. I need not be Materialistic, Financial, Spiritual or even Religious beliefs or followings that can trigger these moments. All you need is an open mind, and only one main intention to achieve Peace of Mind, and success in your ultimate goal. 

It takes a lot of determination, trust in yourself and your Integrity, self-respect , as well as respect for others and their privacy and thought processes to bring about that amazing change in your life. These lines put that fact down so well - "The Best Day of your Life, is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The Gift is yours. It is an amazing journey - and YOU alone are responsible for the Quality of it. This is the day your life really Begins"..... 

May be an image of one or more people, food and text that says ""The best day ofyour life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift syours- itis an amazing journey- andyou alone are responsible for the Quality ofit. This is the day your life really begins." -Bob Moawad Dave Sommers"

I have come to that ONE MOMENT that trigger that will change my whole life and as mentioned above, it needs a lot of focus, undisturbed attention to what you are doing, and a total diligence with which you need to approach your goal. This post was intended not only to give a birds eye view so to say of , but also inform all my readers, friends, family, friends and well wishers who are so used to my being active on my Social Media Platforms to bear with me till then in my differed presence. I may miss out on wishing you on your birthdays, be happy with you on your good times, lend a shoulder on your tough days, but I will always be there in spirit, and soul as I always do. 

Will be back with some more amazing and engrossing content, so do keep a watch, Stay Happy, Stay Blessed, and Take care.

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