Friday, February 19, 2021

Consciousness And Awareness Demystified - Part 1

 Consciousness And Awareness Demystified Part 1

Let me today delve on a topic that has clouded my mind for too long to be penned down into an article of expression of my views and opinions on this topic of boundless psychology.

To the layman the definition of Consciousness in the dictionary defines it as - "the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings; or a person's awareness or perception of something; as in "her acute consciousness of Luke's presence".

The Definition of Awareness however states : "knowledge or perception of a situation or fact., or     concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development; as in "a growing environmental awareness".

Consciousness is an individual’s state of awareness of their environment, thoughts, feelings, or sensations; in order to experience consciousness, one must be both awake and aware.

Here is a very nice explanation of essential difference between consciousness and awareness: Humans are more than just conscious—they are also self-aware. Scientists differ on the difference between consciousness and self-awareness, but here is one common explanation: Consciousness is awareness of one's body and one's environment; self-awareness is recognition of that consciousness—not only understanding that one exists, but further understanding that one is aware of one's existence. Another way of thinking about it: To be conscious is to think; to be self-aware is to realize that you are a thinking being and to think about your thoughts.

In a more deeper sense Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself, such as thoughts, feelings, memories, or sensations. It has also been defined in the following ways: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of self-hood, and the executive-control system of the mind. At one time, consciousness was viewed with skepticism by many scientists, but in recent years, it has become a significant topic of research in psychology and neuroscience.

Sigmund Freud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness: the conscious, preciousness, and unconscious. Modern psychological approaches to understanding consciousness include developmental, social, and neuropsychological; each contribute a different understanding of what consciousness might be.

What I am trying to stress on as in saying "Consciousness And Awareness" - is in more practical ways the Human and Psychological Consciousness and Awareness with respect to our daily lives, especially in our personal family lives and our behavior with others. I am also trying to see how the Human Mind behaves or should behave when we connect it with the concept of how a Large Tree grows.

Let me elaborate on the core sense of what I am implying to. Going back to our cherished older generation there was a totally different concept of Consciousness and Awareness in the true family sense. I speak in terms of Family values, Family bonding, Respect towards Family members and the overall bonding within the family both in emotional and psychological terms.

In the picture above you will see a silhouette of a Human face / Mind against the backdrop of a Large tree with its roots spread out below. What I am looking forward is to list out the Character Traits that are not only essential or typical to Consciousness and Awareness, but also how they compare with the upbringing of our older generations as compared to those of the New Generation.

Many of us do not give much importance to such sensitive issues but if we go deeper into the ramifications of the results of the "Lack of Consciousness and Awareness" it will make you shudder at the very thought of the outcomes. 

The topic and its tertiary outcomes are quite exhaustive so I am intentionally leaving you with the above basic information and would like you to think over the same and be ready to compare your ideas and views with those I will be expressing in my subsequent post to follow soon. 

Serious Food for thought that, so give it your best shot, and keep a watch for my upcoming sequel to this post. 

Happy thinking and Happy reading, Take care.

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