Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Divine Interventions of the Nirvana Experience.

 Divine Interventions of the Nirvana Experience.

Sometimes, in Life we need to go through an experience to get to know the real sense of what life and living actually means. In my promise to bring to you a sequel of posts relating to "Seeking Within", here is my first post.

Let's consider it as a test for you and as an eyeopener to what is yet to come. I may sound simple, but when you actually try it out; you will know the intensity and profoundness of this experience, in relation to practical life.

I had gone through a series of these true life experiences many times but had never collated them together in a sequence that let me actually know what these "Divine Interventions" meant for me. Here they are set before you to try and experience the same.

Let these small exercises not be a light event or "Let's try and see" sort of experiences. Take them seriously, and you will experience a Re-Awakening of yourself as never before. 

I will take you back to some of your 5 main senses of any Human being, without which life becomes almost nonexistent. Sight, Hearing, Speaking, Sense of Touch, and Sense of smell. How you may say are these tests going to re-awaken me? Read on and you will see for yourself. As I said earlier, please take this very seriously.

Before you try out these experiences, I suggest you select a quiet room which will be free of any disturbances or intrusions while you are going through this sequence of experiences. It would be good to have another friend or family member with you who you could use as an aid in your divine experience who can also make notes of your behavior or or external stimuli and could later take part in the same experience which will corroborate your experiences as well. 

Light a calm/soft scented incense or Dhoop stick in a corner that will create a sense of divine ambiance for you. Give yourself enough time to experience this and not rush to do it in a rushed up time or hurry to start and finish it. Now try these steps one by one and if possible make notes of each and every experience of yours. You could use your aid to help in this noting.

1. SENSE OF SIGHT: Sit in a calm "Padmasana - or Lotus Position" in a quiet room, if possible undisturbed by any one other than any other person you may want to use for this experience. Sit is very comfortable position, straight back but relaxed, and if possible each of your arms extended on your knees or if even more comfortable create a lotus stance with both hands near your belly. Close your eyes, and keep a steady breathing. Think of any divine image or anything that pleases you, but at no moment will you open your eyes. 

At this moment your sense of Eyesight is closed. But you can hear everything around you. Try to absorb each and every feeling and experience you are getting. The sounds around you, including the sound of your own breath, your heart beating. Do not speak at all for some time. Enhance your sense of feeling. Try to see how much you can "Feel" the area around you! The chill in the air, or the heat, or any feeling of movement, but all this without moving any part of your body.

Do this for a few minutes. You may note down your experience or quickly share it to your aid to make notes so that you do not break your sense of concentration. 

2. SENSE OF HEARING: After a few minutes of releasing your body from any stiffness, taking a deep breath, or a natures break if needed, go back to the same pose. Now keep your eyes open, but see if you can use a pair of Ear Plugs to put in your ears that will shut off totally any external sounds. Take a deep breath and continue in the same position for some time. Now your eyes are totally open, but you cannot hear anything at all. You can feel your surroundings, talk but cannot hear what the other person is saying or any sound around you. Soak in that full experience. Make those notes after you finish or ask your aid to make notes. 

3. SENSE OF SPEECH: You are now back to the same position, but this time your eyes are open, you can hear, but you cannot speak a single word. Your sense of feeling is not hindered as well. Experience each small feeling or sound or what is around you, but you cannot say anything. Note down your experience but as in this test you cannot speak to your aid you will have to note it down yourself. 

4. SENSE OF SMELL AND SENSE OF TOUCH: - Obviously you cannot experience these by not using them. Neither will you be able to survive without breathing or smelling and neither can you stall the sense of feeling on your skin and body. This in itself shows the importance of these two senses. They are omnipresent and cannot be detached from your body as long as you are living. 


You may have made your own notes, but let me elaborate on how each of my own experiences lead to my own re-awakening and how you can relate with them too. 

It is not possible that what I may have experienced would be the same or there will be a marked level of intensity of the experience, depending on the severity and seriousness with which you may have done this experiment. 

I have already mentioned in the last part that no human being can in a normal situation detach himself from the sense of breathing or touch. There are Yogis however who can hold their breath or control their breathing to a level which is not possible for normal beings and even stop their heart beats. But we are not looking forward to even trying out those levels of Nirvana. The sense of Touch can be developed to a very high level by doing Yoga, wherein your body gets acclimatized to the situations around you, and there are many people who can stay for hours or even days in the freezing snow and temperatures well below freezing point. Let us not elaborate on these two elements in this chapter. 

What I wanted to point out is when we are reaching out to experience Nirvana we need to understand the importance of the first three sense of Sight, Speech and Hearing. In our first experience you may have experienced that it becomes very difficult to keep your eyes closed by yourself. But this enhances your other senses. You try to imagine those things which you cannot see with your eyes open, but now you do it with your eyes closed. That was only possible because you have seen those objects with your eyes open, before you went into this trance of an experiment. 

Your sense of smell is unhindered. But when your sense of hearing is stopped from being used, the whole scenario changes. You almost feel helpless, and want to reach out for something. This same experience is when your eyes are closed. But here you can at least see and speak. 

Now we experience the third position where you can see, feel, hear but cannot speak. Each of those experiences will give you a very high degree of a sense of wanting that element in your body. 

One more position I want you to experience is with your eyes closed, your ears closed with the ear buds, no speech, while you breath, and feel your surroundings. Trust me this may be difficult but this is the most divine of all experiences. You are reaching out to the divine Universe in way as never experience before. 

I call this a sense of Cosmic Visualization or connecting with the divine. I will write about this in another post. 

Suffice to say that this small but very critical experience or test was created to make you aware of how each of your sense is important to you and the absence of any one of them can turn your whole life around. 


What I wanted you all to realize is the importance of each of these states of realizations. 

Put yourself now in the position of:

* A Visually Impaired person.

* A Hearing Impaired person.

* A Speech Impaired person.

* A person who has multiple impairments of the above faculty. 

If for a moment you were to actually visualize yourself in any one or multiple situations of the above levels of impairment, you will for sure be overwhelmed and emotionally moved. You will realize the importance of each of these faculties and how their impairment also enhances the other faculty to a level you never expected. 

My Divine intervention dawned on me in not one but each of these exercises that I did. I felt a sense of connect with the Cosmos and the Universe in a way that is hard to describe in words. You will be overtaken by emotions that lead you to tears, but these are not tears of fear or hurt; but they are tears of joy at having touched a faculty that you never thought existed beyond your 5 senses. I have been fortunate to have developed what we call as the 6th Sense or the faculty of Premonition / Clairvoyane and it has developed to such a level that there have been innumerable instances of "Divine Interventions" as I call them where my life has been saved. 

I have mentioned these in my Memoirs - "Untold" - Memoirs of a Different Kind, which is available on Amazon. Click on the link below if you would like to reach out to my memoirs to read more about these experiences. 

"Untold" - Memoirs of a Different Kind.

All I would like to say is these small exercises are only the first steps towards achieving Nirvana. It is so rightly said in simple words that "Nirvana is the state where the fires of attachment, avrsion, and ignorance extinguish, and one experiences true peace and happiness". It is only when you detach from one faculty that you are so connected with, that you realize its importance and also that of the other faculty stands out in stark contrast. 

I will be publishing a series of post on this subject, but this was only a starting point of the sequel of post to follow. 

I have personally read so many books about Nirvana, How to achieve Nirvana and more, but never understood the true meaning of it until I actually started practising small exercises like what I have described above to experience what it really means to achieve Nirvana. 

Here are some of those books which you could read and open your minds so that your path towards achieving Nirvana will be a lot easier and smooth. 


Do not read the books with an academic or literary persepctive but try to absorb each word, its meaning and how it connects with your life and your psyche, more so with your connection with the Cosmos and the Universe.

I hope this feeder post will revive a new interest for reading subjects that not only will empower your knowledge but open new avenues in your life in making your own life and that of others around you better. 


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